Healing Authentically

Exhausted, stuck, and unsure where to turn

Providing Teletherapy in the comfort of your own safe space here in Missouri

Losing someone leaves you – empty.

There is a to-do list… but you don’t want to do anything.

Regrets over what you should have said or done drown you when you least expect them.

Your old routine no longer feels good. Yet, moving forward isn’t happening either.

Looking backward is all you want to do. Holding onto the memories seems the path of least resistance.

“What-Ifs” and “If-Onlys” overwhelm you.

Brain fog has you thinking you have early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Remembering simple things like picking up cleaning or what you wanted to buy at the grocery escape you.

Staring at the TV provides only momentary relief… the commercials send you back down the hole of “Why did it happen?” “What could I have done differently?” “What am I supposed to do now?”

The thought of talking about your loss sounds torturous. At the same time, you know you can’t keep treading water. It’s time to get on with your life.

Who you are isn’t recognized.

The irritation builds as you have yet to have authentic conversations with your loved ones regarding your identity.

Your family tells you again at holidays how much they “like your friend.”

Yet they offer to set you up with someone of the opposite gender, ignoring you’ve been in a same-sex relationship for three years.

Do you need to talk about your experience as an LGBT+ person living in a socially conservative area?

It’s your time now.

Whether you are grieving the loss of someone close to you or maneuvering through the minefield of living an LGBT+ life, I can help.

Many clients have found their way out of the abyss of grief working with me.

I can help you on the road forward, happy with your authentic self.

Let me walk with you on a journey to a better mindset.

It is now time to heal
and live your best life.

Make you a priority.

Call now for a free 15-minute consultation.

Call Now

Hi, I’m Emilie.

I want to learn about your goals so that we can develop a plan. We will then work side by side to reach your goals. I want you to find peace and acceptance of your truths.

I commit to celebrate your successes and problem solve difficult moments. I will be there to validate, comfort, and offer another perspective.

It is time to get unstuck
and move forward with your life.

Let’s work together to get the results you’ve always wanted
and never believed were possible.

Call today to set up your free consultation.

Let’s develop a plan for happiness.